As my boss was introducing me to everyone in the building they kept saying "Elise? As in Lotus Elise the car?" Lotus is one of Rogers and Cowan's big clients and so we keep a Lotus Elise in the basement to be able to loan it out to sets quickly. Naturally since my name is also Elise I wanted to sit in it. It was the most beautiful car I have ever seen-- way more attractive than Leverne!!
Getting to work has been quite an adventure because there are two million other people trying to get to work at that very same time. I have to take two different tube (subway) lines and literly have to judo-chop my way onto the trains. We are so crammed that we stand on each others' feet and fall on each other when the tube stops too suddenly. This is what I absolutely love about London. We don't really have things like this in Manhattan, Kansas.
They also have these annoying men standing at the exit to every tube station passing out free trashy papers and yelling at you. I get the impression that most people don't like this, but they sort of remind me of the ADD SHEET. This is what I absolutely love about London. There are small things that remind me of home!
I've been going out "adventuring" every night with the other girls on my flat. Last night we went to the Sherlock Holmes Pub where all the props for the movie are kept. It was a fun hanging out with locals who automatically think we are cool merely because of our American accents. Then we went walking around on the London Bridge and taking pictures of all of the street entertainers. This is what I absolutely love about London. Everything looks beautiful even in the dark.