17 May 2008

This is really happening

How these past ten months have escaped is beyond me. Yesterday I packed up my entire life (which miraculously can fit inside of a Pontiac GrandAm) and moved back home for some R & R before my internship. I am already finding, 16 hours later, that it is going to be impossible to fit in everything I want to do before I go. 

All the laundry and lists aside, I can't stop thinking about how this is really happening to me. I am moving to London for three months to work in my dream job. The pieces all fell together so quickly that it is just now starting to soak in. This is going to be the beginning to a new chapter of my life. As of yesterday, I am a college senior. Let me say that again: I am a college senior! This time next year I will be avidly searching for a job and a house and a pony (ha!). I can only hope that this internship gives me the contacts and skills I will need to achieve those things. 


mary kate said...


julie d said...

i am excited for your updates (: